Members of the Westheights Public School choir surprised holiday shoppers at Frederick Street Mall on Saturday with a musical flashmob.

Before the musical festivities began, the group of students shopped for items such as hats, mittens and scarves to help decorate the school’s ‘Giving Tree’. They wanted to give back to their community, not just through song, but also through the warmth and comfort of winter items. Students were able to purchase these gifts through money they raised by organizing weekly school pizza sales.

Once the shopping finished, our students’ voices rang through the mall. Surprising patrons and shoppers, everyone took a moment to pause, listen and support our students as they spread holiday cheer.

Thank you to Westheights PS music teacher and music council leader, Mrs. Langford-Berry, for your continued dedication to student and community well-being.

We are counting down 12 days of giving where we feature some of the wonderful acts of kindness our staff and students are modelling during the holiday season.

You can check out all of the great acts of giving in our schools (there’s more than just 12) by following us on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.


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