SayHiRoundTHURSDAY SEPT 25TH marks the 8th annual SAY HI DAY in schools throughout the Waterloo Region,

Our school is registered and could possibly win the Annual $500 Connected School Award!
For more information, visit [ ]

Don’t Be Shy, Just Say Hi!
Building a strong, caring community is one of our most effective crime prevention tools.
The “Say Hi” campaign aims to bring people together and nurture a sense of belonging and responsibility in our community.

Ways to Build Say HI into Our School Thursday!

  • Handprint banner/collage
  • Promote “Hi” in different languages
  • Say hi in different languages on announcements
  • Post hellos in different languages on bulletin boards
  • Wear black and yellow
  • Greeter at the entrance
  • Create a school “Say Hi” banner

Why Say Hi?
By reaching out to neighbours and friends, you can help build a strong community.
· You’ll get connected with your community
· You’ll remove barriers that separate people
· You’ll nurture a sense of belonging & inclusion
· You’ll start a dialogue about community safety

Categories: News