November 24th, 2014
An excerpt from http://www.preventingcrime.ca/30DaysofTHINK.htm
Experts say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, imagine what can happen in 30 days!
“30 Days of THINK” is a contest for ALL students in Waterloo Region intended to promote positive use of social media. As a follow up to last year’s THINK campaign (Is it True? Helpful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?), a number of social media challenges will encourage students to THINK first (before posting), think kindness, think respect and think support…all qualities of a good digital citizen.
Choose an activity. Create it, Capture it in photo/video, tag it with #30daysofthink and post it. It’s that easy! Submit your entry via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram (but you can use any app to create your entry). You could win some great prizes!
Prizes include individual prizes of iPods, iPads, iTunes gift cards, Chromebook or class/school prizes include guest speakers at your school – Holly Painter (poetry slam artist); Michael Redfearn (Digital Media Consultant); WRPS Social Media/Hate Crime Analyst; Accelerator Centre and tech start up; or a trip to the Communitech Hub.
Follow us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM to view all entries.