Dear Family: Track and field season has arrived. There are two special days coming up. Our school track meet will be held at University Stadium on Tuesday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. The buses will depart from Westheights at 8:45 a.m. Students must be in homeroom by 8:20 a.m. for attendance. The Waterloo County […]

Fort McMurray Needs Our Warrior Help!

As many of you are aware, the people of Fort McMurray, Alberta are reeling, after the devastation caused by wildfires earlier this week. The fires in the northern part of the province began on Sunday, and since then: 1600 homes and businesses in the city have been destroyed. Over  88000 people have had to be […]

Festival of the Arts

Dear Music Supporters, The music room has been very busy preparing for the Spring Festival of the Arts. Over three hundred students have been enthusiastically attending rehearsals before, during and alter school for the past few months. We can hardly wait to share our musical talents. The details for our upcoming concert schedule are as […]

School Council Planning Session

Dress code comments: -can negotiate a reasonable dress code with the kids -open the dialogue about self-respect and body image -focus on teaching not the kids clothes -can enforcing a dress code lead to ‘shaming’? -style doesn’t dictate dignity -equal expectations for boys and girls (do boys ever get violations?) -everyone has a unique style, […]

Important Forms Have Been Sent Home

Greetings Westheights Parents! On Tuesday forms were sent home with your child. These forms are from the Westheights School Council. Please take the time to look over this information. If you cannot find the forms please click here for all the details! Thank you, Your Westheights School Council

Expressions 41 Art Exhibit Hosts Warriors’ Art!

Once again this year, the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery is hosting an exhibit of student artwork entitled “Expressions 41”.  Westheights is proud to have included six grade 8 masks as part of the exhibit.  Congratulations to  Adam Grein, Leen Khadour, Adie Mason, Sofie Paquette, Kayla Prium and Sam Wudrick whose masks are currently on display at […]

School Council this Monday ~ All Welcome!

April 14, 2016 Dear Westheights families, As your new Principal, I want to invite you to our next School Council Meeting this coming Monday, April 18 in our library at 6:30 PM. At this meeting I will be sharing my vision as a leader and my vision of students and education. I have been an […]

Youth Symposium Location Change!

Please note that the Youth Symposium taking place tomorrow is at Landmark Cinemas on Gateway Drive in Kitchener. Students will be leaving school at 8:45 and returning back to school by 2:20. We look forward to a great day!  

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